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El CNA no forma parte del Gobierno. Es una instancia de sociedad civil con personería jurídica, duración indefinida y patrimonio propio, dedicada a prevenir, disuadir y combatir la corrupción en Honduras.


Consejo Nacional Anticorrupción (CNA)
Colonia San Carlos, calle República de México
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tels: +504 2221-1181 / 2221-130

expectativa 2

CNA: An Organization Committed to Change

ndoubtedly, the National Anti-Corruption Council (CNA) has become, in recent years, the most important citizen organization in the fight against corruption in the country. Some people attribute this change to the demanding context of a country like Honduras, which is permanently marked by cases of corruption. However, those who know the organization in depth realize that the fight against corruption is no longer just an institutional objective, but rather a philosophy of work and life that permeates the entire CNA team.

“What insecurity! Now we can’t steal in peace.”

According to CNA’s director, Gabriela Castellanos, the most important achievement of CNA in recent years has been its organizational development. Castellanos stated, “It has been understood that if we are institutionally strong, our struggle to have a more transparent and fair country will be a country-supported struggle.

This organizational development effort has been supported by the Impactos Program, with USAID resources, through technical and financial assistance. Impactos has provided organizations such as CNA with resources for the development of anti-corruption projects and for the strengthening of its internal capacities. These efforts has been well-received by CNA.

“From the beginning of our work with Impactos, we understood that we were opening a unique opportunity to grow as an organization, to strengthen us internally. When we took on the challenge of running CNA, it was clear to us that we would not be able to meet our objectives unless we first strengthened ourselves as an institution. For us, this issue is so important that we incorporate it as a strategic objective. Organizational growth is based on our principles and values ​​that ensure continuous improvement, the development of human talent, and the adoption of efficient systems for the prevention and fight against corruption.» – Gabriela Castellanos

In a short time, CNA has accomplished great institutional advances, making them candidates for a certification process. This accreditation would be an acknowledgment that the organizational systems and pracitices implemented by CNA are in accordance with good international practices, resulting in an increase in their overall credibility, especially to citizens and Donors.

The six areas of work identified by the CNA in the Organizational Development Strategy of the Impactos Program are: leadership and strategic management, program management and quality control, accounting and financial management, financial sustainability, human and material resources, and external relations. In all areas, there are now manuals, procedures, and mechanisms that standardize the work, lending to greater coherence. This new dynamic has also improved internal transparency in the management of the CNA budget, strengthening its accountability and economic sustainability. It has also eliminated the presence of discretion in decision making.

The CNA team constantly repeats during work days that it is essential for them to preach by example, because transparency cannot be demanded from the government or from other sectors of society if this mandate is not met first internally. CNA was not afraid of change, because thanks to change we have a CNA today that fulfills its mandate of being the citizen organization, leader, and reference in the prevention and fight against corruption in Honduras.